Up Your Score SAT, 2018-2019 Edition The Underground Guide to Outsmarting The Test

(Tuis.) #1


When Janet had a 20-page paper due, but wanted to go out, her friends
suggested, “You can write your paper with great brevity and brave a D.”


to grow; sprout; flourish
Madonna’s career burgeoned as soon as she changed the title of her unsuccessful
song “Like a Burgeon.”

A Bolivian Bacchanal

The burly buccaneers brutishly threw Bill and me out of the helicopter bereft of
any parachute, and the brevity of our flight and our brutal landing were not what
was promised in our blond travel agent’s bombastic brochure.
We barreled through the trees of the Bolivian forest until we hit the ground
with a bang.
“Yo,” said Bill, brandishing a machete. “What say we bust our way out of this
But before I could respond, we were captured by a band of natives about to
perform a belated human sacrifice to the fish goddess.
“Yo,” said Bill, his fear burgeoning. “I should berate you for beguiling me
into going on this blighted vacation.”
Then the ax fell and the bacchanalian rituals honoring the benevolent fish
goddess began.



unfeeling; unsympathetic
Brian complained of the callus on his big toe, but Meg remained callous.
If you don’t like that sentence, don’t call us; we’re callous.


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