Up Your Score SAT, 2018-2019 Edition The Underground Guide to Outsmarting The Test

(Tuis.) #1

mildness of temper—especially leniency toward an enemy or in sentencing a
Because Roger Clemens was accused of using steroids, it now remains to be
seen if he’ll be shown clemency and be voted into the Hall of Fame anyway.
The following three “cog” words all have to do with thinking:


clear; logical; well thought out
The two men (co-gents) on the debate team gave a cogent argument.


to think about deeply and carefully (see RUMINATE)
A good time to cogitate about dairy products is while eating cottage cheese.


fully informed and aware; conscious
When the factory repairman becomes cognizant that the cog isn’t working, he
will fix the gear.


equal; proportionate
You don’t think that this pile of gold is commensurate with that one? Well, come
measure it.


to sympathize; be miserable together
Note: Decode:
He commiserated with his friend at Clown College, who also got 200s.


to behave in a particular way

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