Up Your Score SAT, 2018-2019 Edition The Underground Guide to Outsmarting The Test

(Tuis.) #1


having malice
The Queen of Hearts felt malice toward Alice.


to say bad things about; slander
He maligned me by saying that I couldn’t remember my lines.


a malevolent and malicious act (also, a malignant tumor)
In an act of extreme malignancy, the bully was trying to break my leg. Suddenly,
the doorbell rang. I said to him, “Get off my leg’n see who’s at the door.”


a skillful or clever move
The captain used a tricky sailing maneuver to rescue the man overboard. The
grateful man said, “Man, you very clever.”


to wander around aimlessly
Me and her meandered down the path.


sadness; depression; pensiveness
When he finds out that she can’t elope, he’ll be melancholy.

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