Up Your Score SAT, 2018-2019 Edition The Underground Guide to Outsmarting The Test

(Tuis.) #1

In a small maritime village, there lived a morose review book author named
Manek. Most of the citizens loved him because he was meticulously clean, but
there was a minuscule-brained gang in town (led by Michael) who maliciously
maligned him. “Hey, Manek,” they would yell. “You smell worse than a moo-
cow. Yeah, Manek is a misnomer: You should be called moo-nek!”
Manek bore the gang no malice, though he wished he could, through some
ingenious maneuver, meander through the town’s myriad streets without these
monotonous insults. He grew melancholy and suffered from a great malaise as
he morosely contemplated their malignancy.
There, that story wasn’t so macabre, was it?



absolute lowest point
Note: The word zenith is the opposite of nadir. If you ever get these two
confused, just remember that no one would name their brand of TV “Nadir.”
Nadine knew their relationship had reached its nadir when she asked her
husband to watch the Super Bowl with her and he said, “Nay, dear.”


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