Up Your Score SAT, 2018-2019 Edition The Underground Guide to Outsmarting The Test

(Tuis.) #1


continuing or done after one’s death
Note: Decode:
Suppose the five of us died of “pun”icillin poisoning. Our book would have to
be published posthumously.


to assume; to claim, often without much evidence or proof
Peter postulated that the mailman would arrive on time, but as usual, the post
came too late.


practical (think: “pragtical”)
The Craftmatic adjustable bed is pragmatic because it is practically automatic.


characterized by unusually early development
The high school basketball coach hoped that there would be some precocious
basketball players in our elementary school, so he precoached us.


predecessor; what came before
Although Mickey might disagree, many would say that the precursor to the
mouse was the computer keyboard.

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