Up Your Score SAT, 2018-2019 Edition The Underground Guide to Outsmarting The Test

(Tuis.) #1

The prolife movement proliferated on the conservative campus.


producing lots of offspring or fruit; fertile; producing lots of work or results
The guy who writes CliffsNotes is pro-Cliff-ic; he’s got hundreds of titles in


lacking excitement or imagination; dull
The sad artist thought her artwork was prosaic. At whatever angle she studied it,
she still thought her mosaic of giant artichokes was lacking.

Petulant Peanuts

Philip DePance and his coworker, Peanuts Burnes, were on a lunch break from
the philanthropic firm of “Paucity to Plethora.”
“I’m parched,” said Phil. “Let’s start this meal!”
They ordered fruit after the waiter perfunctorily told them that the banana
trees were prolific at this time of year, and they were brought spotted bananas
that seemed palatable enough.
But soon Phil turned pallid. “My nose is detecting something putrid,” he said.
“Eww!” Peanuts added. “It’s the bananas! I knew those spots presaged
“Waiter,” Phil called. “We are petulant already because of problems at
Paucity to Plethora and, to make a long story pithy, we do not have a penchant
for rotten banana stench permeating the room. Please dispose of the offending
fruit before the odor proliferates further!”
“I don’t smell anything,” the waiter replied.
“We will not be placated until we have palpable proof that the prevalent filth
is gone!” said Peanuts in the fashion of a true pedagogue.
Plaintively, full of pathos, the waiter smashed the bananas and took them
away. “Even posthumously, my precursor still makes me look like the paragon
of poor service! These bananas were planted by him!” he muttered as he stalked
“Well, I feel better, Peanuts. We could work here!” Phil said, once again
A plethora of P words!

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