Up Your Score SAT, 2018-2019 Edition The Underground Guide to Outsmarting The Test

(Tuis.) #1


This won’t be on the test, but try repeating it five times quickly out loud.


to chew cud (this definition won’t be on the SAT); to think a lot about;
Note: The definitions are related. “To think a lot about something” is kind of like
“chewing something over in your mind.” Also, when cows are chewing their
cud, they look like they’re thinking.
The physicist went into the laboratory room ’n’ ate cupcakes while ruminating
about how to put the filling inside Twinkies.

A Romance of Sorts

He was recumbent on his bed, ruminating on his affair with the countess. She
had abandoned him and then redressed their relationship by returning. Now that
she was reciprocating his love, he was once again the happiest man in the realm.
Or was he?

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