Up Your Score SAT, 2018-2019 Edition The Underground Guide to Outsmarting The Test

(Tuis.) #1

sweat gland

small secretory gland in the skin that excretes water and body salts
Are you awake?

A Shocking Courtroom Saga

My sweat glands were working overtime in the stagnant air of the courtroom as I
unscrupulously questioned the sinister defendant on trial for sedition. Although
he proclaimed his innocence, the jury was obviously skeptical. When I
superseded him on the courtroom floor, it was clear that the other lawyer’s points
were silly compared to my superlative arguments.
I was confident. All further speech was superfluous. So I said, “The State
rests, Your Honor.” I ran out to lunch, and the jury was sequestered.
Two hours later the jury was summoned, and I waited, expecting the word
guilty. So I was surprised when I heard the word not as well. “I’ve been

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