Up Your Score SAT, 2018-2019 Edition The Underground Guide to Outsmarting The Test

(Tuis.) #1

They were used to living without rules, so they were unruly.


unprincipled; lacking ethical values
After the church robbery, the minister lamented, “It takes an unscrupulous
criminal to unscrew the seats and leave us pewless.”


unaware; not knowing
Whitman unwittingly let the priceless thoroughbred escape by leaving the barn
door unlatched.


outcome; result
Note: This word was originally an archery term. The last shot of an archery
tournament was called the upshot, and it often determined the result or outcome
of the tournament.
Bart was hit in the rear by an upshot at the archery tournament. The upshot of
this was that he had to take the SAT standing up.


to illegally seize the power or rights from another
Yusef usurped Boris’s position by staging a coup.


useful; practical
Uma wanted to book a vacation, but paying her utility bill was a more utilitarian
use of her paycheck.

Tutu Story

“Do you think Congress will table the discussion about the new river reeds?” the
turtle asked.
There was an almost tangible silence. Then a grumpy tortoise put an ice cube
in his tea and said, “That’s a touchy subject here. We’re all upset about our
senator’s unscrupulous treachery in supporting the bill. He has no tact.”

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