Up Your Score SAT, 2018-2019 Edition The Underground Guide to Outsmarting The Test

(Tuis.) #1
veracity—truthfulness;  accuracy
verification—proof that something is true
verisimilar—appearing to be true or possible
verisimilitude—quality of being verisimilar
veritable—unquestionable; actual; true
verity—statement or belief considered to be the permanent truth
vermicide—anything used to kill worms (Well, it doesn’t always work.)


excessively wordy
Note: This word has nothing to do with truth.
They wrote and transcribed and copied down on paper and composed and
thought of and typed a sentence that would be verbose because it had excessive


to irritate or bother


the act of vexing
His vexing habit of reciting vocabulary words during sexual activity ruined his
sex life.


to slander; defame
Think: make vile
Senator Joe McCarthy’s villainous lies vilified many innocent people.
Although the next two words have the same first six letters and are related, they
are not at all synonymous.


to clear of blame or suspicion
The lawyers will vindicate their client by displaying evidence they have,
indicating that he didn’t mean to steal the adult diapers from the grocery store.


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