Up Your Score SAT, 2018-2019 Edition The Underground Guide to Outsmarting The Test

(Tuis.) #1


Several abilities are necessary. First, you must be able to stay awake, which can
be difficult even though you will be sitting for upward of four hours in the most
uncomfortable chair imaginable. (This is the reason for the sections on yoga in
Chapter 8 and concentration in Chapter 2.) Second, you have to be able to sign a
statement in cursive alleging that you, not some cyborg clone, are taking the test
(see page 333 for practice). Third, you must be able to read. (And if you’re
reading this, you’ve probably already cleared that hurdle, unless you’re just
looking at the pretty design of the pages.) Fourth, you must know a lot of math
and reading and writing stuff so that you can answer the questions correctly.
(That’s what most of this book is about.) Fifth, you need to understand the
proper strategies for taking the SAT and the many ways you can outsmart the
test. (We explain all the tricks.) Sixth, you need to be able to fill in all the little
circles on the computerized answer sheet, without going out of the lines. (We’ve

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