Up Your Score SAT, 2018-2019 Edition The Underground Guide to Outsmarting The Test

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These mistakes just prove that no one (not even the Evil Testing Serpent) is
perfect. If you really think a question is unfair—not just that you don’t know the
answer, even though we all think those are unfair—there is a (slim) possibility
that it is a mistake. The procedure for challenging a question is in the registration
bulletin, and your proctor should be able to help you as well.
That should answer most of your practical questions about the SAT, but we did
leave one big question still hanging: HOW DO I GET A HIGHER SCORE ON
The answer, of course, is simple: Study.
But, like most simple answers, that is not nearly enough. First and foremost,
you need to study more effectively and efficiently than you have before. There
are good ways of studying, and there are bad. To learn about the best ways to
study for the SAT, check out the next chapter.

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