Up Your Score SAT, 2018-2019 Edition The Underground Guide to Outsmarting The Test

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It might seem counterintuitive, and it is certainly not guidance-counselor
approved, but you need to learn how to dwell on these negative thoughts. Let
them gnaw at your insides. Begin to feel a hatred of this test and all it stands for.
Hate is a powerful emotion: It will give you the drive and determination you
need for intense study. But be careful! If you get the balance wrong, you could
get too negative and slip into anxiety mode. This might happen. In fact, this will
happen. But not to fear, because you are about to learn about . . .



Sit back, close your eyes, and imagine that you are on a beach next to the bluest
of oceans. The sun warms your skin and your toes wriggle in the soothing sand.
The smell of coconut suntan lotion washes over you in a delicate sea breeze. As
you take deep breaths of this beautiful air, you feel more and more at peace.
That sure would be relaxing. But the SAT isn’t anything like that. The SAT is
when you get up from the beach and stroll into the blue ocean and a black cloud
of stingrays surrounds you and stabs you until ravenous sharks smell your blood
mixing with the salt water and begin a feeding frenzy on your flesh.
The SAT will never be a day at the beach, but it doesn’t have to be a
gruesome drowning, either. To help manage your stress, we have developed a
multipart Up Your Score Lower Your Stress Plan™.

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