Up Your Score SAT, 2018-2019 Edition The Underground Guide to Outsmarting The Test

(Tuis.) #1

This sort of zigzagging really wastes time. When your brain tries to occupy itself
with two problems at the same time, it doesn’t work well on either of the
problems. You have to trick your subconscious mind so that it will move on to
the next problem without trying to go back. Three things will help you do this.
Even if our success with studying while Snapchatting our progress on a footlong sub has us convinced that we are professionalmultitaskers, we are not. Brains can’t split in two.

  1. Skip and come back after two problems. Zigzagging is a bad way to
    toggle between problems. Instead, you should leave the problem and work
    on two problems before returning. When you come back to the problem, it
    will be with a fresh(er) mind, and you’ll be able to take a new swing at it.
    Pro Tip: Circle the problem number in your test booklet to remind
    yourself to come back!

  2. Guess. When you guess, your subconscious is satisfied that it has found an
    answer and is more willing to move on. Again, mark the questions you’ve

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