Up Your Score SAT, 2018-2019 Edition The Underground Guide to Outsmarting The Test

(Tuis.) #1

Do  one practice    section per day,    three   days    a   week.


Transition  to  two sections    per day on  one of  those   days.


Now,    add one three-section   day on  a   Saturday    or  Sunday.


You can scale it back to sections on only two weekdays, but on
the weekend, do a WHOLE TEST. The more whole tests you
can get done before the real thing, the more accustomed you
will be to the endurance challenge.
On test day, a great way to improve your stamina is to simply calm down.
Don’t distractedly look up (or sideways or over your shoulder) too often. Force
yourself to look only at the test—and your trusty watch (see page 348). If some
kid next to you accidentally stabs himself in the hand, then runs around shrieking
and spraying blood across the walls, don’t look up. Let someone else tell you
about it afterward.
Bring snacks. (See our extra-scrumptious and totally healthy recipe on page
346 .) One of the sneakiest ways to lose endurance is due to hunger and thirst.
Keep yourself well fed and well hydrated (but not too well hydrated), and you
will be surprised by how much easier it is to concentrate.
Finally, you should know that losing focus or energy is another sneaky sign
of stress. If you feel suddenly, inexplicably fatigued, try the breathing and
meditation exercises mentioned earlier. There is a good chance this will help.
And if all else fails, bring a CamelBak backpack filled with 5-Hour ENERGY
Shots to the test. Good luck going to sleep that night, though.

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