Up Your Score SAT, 2018-2019 Edition The Underground Guide to Outsmarting The Test

(Tuis.) #1

The secret to these questions is that the Evil Testing Serpent will never ask
you to infer very much. The correct answer is the one that is closest to the literal
meaning of the text. Let’s try this out. Read this passage:

While   traditional roach   poisons such    as  hydramethylnon  are
undoubtedly effective, they cause levels of pain and suffering far
beyond what is necessary. Not only is fipronil more eco-friendly, but it
takes only minutes to kill the insect, as opposed to hydramethylnon’s
medieval six hours of suffocation and organ erosion.

If  the question    were    to  say:

It  can be  inferred    that    the author  would   agree   with    which   of  the
following opinions about roaches?

then    you would   reject  the answer  that    says
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