Up Your Score SAT, 2018-2019 Edition The Underground Guide to Outsmarting The Test

(Tuis.) #1

As you can see in this question, you can’t always rely completely on context.
This means that you have to learn some vocabulary. While we cannot tell you all
of the words tested on the new SAT, we have created a list of some frequently
used words, which you can find beginning on page 98.
Were you worried that we were done with the question types? Never fear, for
there is one last type of question you might see on the SAT: comparison

Bonus: Comparison Questions (Paired Passages Only)

Comparison questions are usually not terribly difficult, but they are terribly
annoying. This is because they require that you summarize the argument of one
passage, in order to compare it to a point made in the second passage. Take a
look at these:

Passage 1
Today, film critics write to assert their own preconceived opinions,
to reinforce their own unwavering stance. These days, the critic is a
brand, and brand management is considerably more important—and
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