Building Strong Families

(Barry) #1

selves to the task of turning boys into men through the TALKS men-
toring effort.


After assessing the situation and understanding the need to get
involved, a second strategy is to understand the various levels of
Mentoring exists on several levels. The entry level is considered
“soft mentoring.” Soft mentoring is basically structured companion-
ship. The mentor also serves as a sounding board for the boy being
mentored (the “mentee”). Soft mentoring includes academic tutoring
and career and professional guidance.
The type of student involved in soft mentoring is basically a
well-behaved kid who could benefit from additional adult compan-
ionship or guidance. This student is very impressionable and eager
for assistance.
The adult who engages in soft mentoring must be caring and
committed and must recognize the value to a young person of adult
companionship. The mentor must be patient and consistent. Almost
any mature adult can participate at the soft mentoring level.
A second level is “medium level mentoring.” All of the require-
ments for soft mentoring are included at this level, along with the
challenge to broaden the student’s perspective and build self-esteem.
The type of student encountered at the medium mentoring level
is still basically a good kid who may not have consistent or adequate
adult companionship and guidance. This student may be functioning
below his potential and may have given little or no thought to attend-
ing college or choosing a career. However, he is still very impression-
able and open to assistance.
The mentor needs to be caring, committed, and willing to work
with a youth through the normal adolescent life issues. The mentor
needs patience and a sensitivity to youth culture and issues.
Considerable thought must guide the mentor on appropriate attitudes
and techniques.
The third level is “hard mentoring.” At this level all of the previ-

Mentoring Strategies for Turning Boys into Men 175
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