Building Strong Families

(Barry) #1

you mentor a young man, the Lord will also speak to you, and you
must be open to God’s cleansing and healing of your own personal
problems. All of us have broken or missing parts. As we interact with
young people, the Holy Spirit reminds us of areas where we need to
mature. Psalm 139:23 (KJV) states, “Search me, O God, and know my
heart; try me, and know my thoughts.”
When one church where I shared the TALKS mentoring cur-
riculum began the program, it wasn’t long before the men serving as
mentors decided to stop, back up, and deal with their own issues. I
have found that the basic rule for mentors is that whenever God
brings an issue up in you, it’s time to deal with it.
Another area to consider is motive. Effective Christian service
demands an understanding of one’s motives. You need to know why
you have decided to mentor. What inspired your decision? Was it evan-
gelism? Was it a desire to fulfill the Great Commission? Was it a desire
to be a positive influence in society? You must know why you are men-
toring, or the inevitable rough spots will bring discouragement.
I am motivated to mentor because, as an adult Christian man
empowered by the Holy Spirit, I understand the situation with today’s
young men, take my share of responsibility for it, and am willing to
do something about it.
When taking a personal inventory, there are many things to con-
sider, including:

  • Cultural barriers. Are you comfortable in mentoring someone
    of a different culture?

  • Your personality. Are you an extrovert or an introvert? A people-
    person or a loner? Will mentoring be easy for you, or will it be a stretch?

  • Your personal schedule. How much time can you realistically
    commit to the effort?

  • Financial issues. Will involvement in mentoring interfere with
    other commitments, such as work and family?

  • Physical health. Do you have good health and stamina? You’ll
    need both.

  • Ministry gifts. Do your areas of giftedness correspond with the
    requirements for mentors?

Mentoring Strategies for Turning Boys into Men 177
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