Building Strong Families

(Barry) #1
Sound doctrine qualifies the kind of morality Paul is advocat-
ing in the command. Morality must be based on who God is and
what He has done for us in Christ, or it will be purely subjective.
Unless God is the reference point, there is no objective, absolute
standard or authority for morality. If we begin anywhere else, our
morality will degenerate to the level of the moral code of our

What is the purpose of this mandate?The emphasis of the book of
Titus is sound doctrine and godly living. God’s glory is the overriding
purpose of the relationships being discussed. This is not a self-enrich-
ment program. These are covenant relationships that are centered on
glorifying God by reflecting His grace to one another. In Spiritual
Mothering,I give the following definition:

Spiritual Mothering: When a woman possessing faith and spir-
itual maturity enters into a nurturing relationship with a
younger woman in order to encourage and equip her to live for
God’s glory.^2

What kind of training is involved?The word translated “train” (Titus
2:4, NIV) is the Greek word sophronizo.It denotes “to cause to be of
sound mind, to recall to one’s senses.... The training would involve
the cultivation of sound judgment and prudence. It suggests the exer-
cise of that self-restraint that governs all passions and desires,
enabling the believer to be conformed to the mind of Christ.”^3 This
is not just formal Bible instruction. This is teaching a way of life as
we live in relationship with one another. It is passing on to younger
women a biblical worldview that includes a biblical perspective of
womanhood. It is helping them to think biblically and to apply bib-
lical truth to all of life.
Who are the older women?This is not just about chronological age.
It also involves life experiences and spiritual maturity. Every woman
is both a younger and an older woman. There is someone who
needs your life-perspective, and there is someone with a life-view
that you need.

Older Women Mentoring Younger Women 185
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