Building Strong Families

(Barry) #1

by having spiritual mothers/daughters give brief testimonies in
church. Have a different testimony for each of three or four Sundays
before the sign-up begins.

  • At women’s ministry special events, have women share testi-
    monies about the blessings of Titus 2 relationships.

  1. Develop a plan to implement the program.For example:

  • There should be a Titus 2 coordinator or committee.
    Determine how this person/committee will be appointed, length of
    term, and how she or they will relate to the women’s ministry leader-
    ship team.

  • Women who complete the course of study will be asked to pray
    about becoming spiritual mothers. Those who are willing will fill out a
    form agreeing to the guidelines. These names will be submitted to the
    elders for approval. Those approved will be commissioned in a church
    service. They will commit to pray throughout the summer for the Lord
    to direct the committee in assigning them a spiritual daughter.

  • The committee will determine how many spiritual daughters
    the program can accommodate, offer the program to the women,
    make assignments, and host a gathering for the spiritual mothers and

  • At the end of the term, the committee will meet with spiritual
    mothers for evaluation, ask if they will serve again, and get their rec-
    ommendations of spiritual daughters who completed all the studies
    and who may be ready to be spiritual mothers. In some instances a
    spiritual mother and daughter may want to continue for another year
    in order to complete the entire course of study. The committee will
    also determine if they need to provide another training time for
    women who may be interested in becoming spiritual mothers.

  • Every opportunity will be used to keep the Titus 2 concept
    before the women at large through testimonies at special events, arti-
    cles in newsletters, and public prayer for spiritual mothers.


The goal of a Titus 2 ministry is not a dazzling, well-run ministry. Paul
told the young preacher to equip older women with sound doctrine


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