Building Strong Families

(Barry) #1

13 Renewal in the Home Crawford W. Loritts, Jr.


All roads lead back to somebody’s house! The pivotal issues in life
and ministry ultimately have to do with the health and wholeness of
the family. I sometimes think that in our pursuit of insights that are
tangible, transferable, and practical we forget this perspective.
What comes out of our homes should be the product of broken-
ness and utter dependence on God. One of my concerns these days is
a pervasive tendency to think that the right system, the right insight,
or the right “stuff ” will produce spiritual change. Conferences, books,
and manuals on our shelves are not the same thing as the move of the
Spirit of God in our households.
God used a recent visit to my boyhood hometown to push the
rewind button in my soul and remind me of my spiritual roots. I had
not been back there in years. I was especially moved when I visited the
small college nearby. I had only spent a year there but God did a deep,
wonderful work in my heart.
As I pulled up to the campus and crossed over the bridge, I saw a
sight that triggered a ton of memories. I spotted the little chapel where
at the age of 17 I would go to pray at lunchtime and sometimes
between classes.
Little did I realize then how those prayers would serve as the fuel
for what God has done through these years in my life and ministry and
family. I prayed that one day God would use me in a great way, that
He would allow me to introduce many people to Christ. I prayed that

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