Building Strong Families

(Barry) #1

The Left Column: No Differences.On the far left, the differences in
the persons of God are abolished and the differences between God
and the creation are abolished because “all is one.” God then is viewed
as equal to the creation, and people will worship the earth or parts of
the earth as God (or as our “Mother”). Much New Age worship takes
this form, as does much Eastern religion where the goal is to seek
unity with the universe. When we follow the “no differences” theme
into the area of manhood and womanhood, the attempt to obliterate
differences leads to the emasculation of men and the defeminization
of women. Men become more like women and women become more
like men, because “all is one.”
Within marriage, if there are no differences, then same-sex “mar-
riages” would be approved. Women who reject feminine roles will
support abortion. Since there are no distinct roles for a child’s father
and mother within the family, there’s really no longer any need to have
children raised by the family; rather, “society” can take care of raising
children. Within the realm of sexuality, homosexuality and lesbianism
will be approved. The chart then details how the “no differences,” “all
should be one” theme will work out in feminized religion within
churches, in hatred of authority (for if someone has more authority,
then all is not one), in a loss of competitiveness in sports (for if we
have “winners” and “losers,” then all is not one), in no respect for
authority in the civil realm (with an increase in rampant crime), in
attempts to abolish private property and to equalize possessions (for
no one can be different, but all should be one), and in attempts to pro-
hibit all-male schools or to prohibit educating boys and girls sepa-
rately. These are the tendencies that follow once we adopt the
conviction that “all is one.” If there are no differences of persons in
the being of God, there should be no differences between men and
women either.
The Egalitarian Column: Remove Many Differences.What concerns
me about the egalitarian viewpoint within evangelicalism is that it
tends toward removing or denying many differences between men
and women. Egalitarians have begun to deny eternal personal distinc-
tions among the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and argue rather for


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