Building Strong Families

(Barry) #1

We are equal, and we are different, and we are one! There will be a
delight in God’s plan for sexual expression, but it will be restrained by
the bonds of lifelong faithfulness to one’s marriage partner. Men and
women will have then a deep sense of acting in the way that God cre-
ated them to act in all these areas.
The chart goes on to explain how a complementarian view works
out in religion, where some governing and teaching roles in the
church are restricted to men, but women’s gifts are also honored and
used fully in the ministries of the church. In all areas of life, author-
ity will be exercised within boundaries so that the person under
authority is treated with respect and dignity, and treated as someone
who shares equally in the image of God. Within sports, there will be
an appreciation for competition that will include fairness and rules,
and winners will be honored while losers are respected. Equality.
Differences. Unity.
As far as crime, punishment will be speedy and fair and will aim
at satisfying justice as well as restoring the criminal. Laws will protect
private property but will also reflect care for the poor. People will be
rewarded according to their work and skill, and there will be a desire
to have equal opportunity for all in the economic realm. Within edu-
cation, both boys and girls will be educated but different preferences
and abilities and senses of calling among boys and girls will be
respected, and no quotas will be imposed to force an artificial equal-
ity in number of participants in every activity where that would not
have resulted from allowing boys and girls to choose activities freely
of their own accord. Equality. Differences. Unity.
I realize, of course, that any chart like this has generalizations and
that people may not hold all the viewpoints represented within a par-
ticular column. Nevertheless, I think the chart has significant value in
showing that we will continually face two opposing challenges in try-
ing to uphold a biblical viewpoint of manhood and womanhood.
People on the domineering right will continue to think of us as weak
and yielding too much to the demands of feminism. People on the
egalitarian left will continue to see us as harsh and overemphasizing

The Key Issues in the Manhood-Womanhood Controversy 77
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