Yoga for Beginners Simple Yoga Poses to Calm Your Mind and Strengthen Your Body

(Tina Sui) #1


Dharana is the ability to concentrate on one thing and let all
else drift away. Think about a professional athlete, the golfer
making that winning putt or the football player running that
last touchdown. He or she is so focused on the task ahead
that everything else disappears. This ability to concentrate
intently leads to taking the next step—meditation.


Dhyana is the practice of meditation. I have a teacher who
describes meditation as being able to tune everything else
out and focus on one thing. She prompts students to focus
solely on their breath and when their minds start to wander
to come back to the breath. This is the simplest way to medi-
tate as discussed later in this book.


Samadhi is the highest point of yoga. It’s that perfect bal-
ance where the mind is calm and the body is in a state of
internal stability. It is what all the other principles of yoga are
designed to help us achieve. It is the ultimate “now.”

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