YOGA AND TOTAL HEALTH • January 2018^2525
Chapter 7.14
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This Divine illusion of Mine, made up of the three Gunas is difficult
to cross over; those who take refuge in Me alone, come to cross.
houghts on
Tthe Gita
Smt. Hansaji J. Yogendra
Only the ones who can cross over the illusion in nature can really understand
the truth or reality. Otherwise we get easily carried away, like a mirage in a desert.
We see water shining far away and we rush. But when we reach there, we find
no water, only sand. Like that we are drawn all our life by what apparently looks
pleasant, attractive and good; but none of these are real. And so a whole life
time gets wasted. The only way to overcome these illusions is to stick to God. The
traveller in a desert who knows his way is not misled by the shine of water. So, the
wise one, on seeing little pleasures, little show, does not go after it. We have to
have full faith in God and follow his ways. Total and complete surrender to God is
the only way out of the Maya or illusion.