Yoga and Total Health — January 2018

(Ann) #1
YOGA AND TOTAL HEALTH • January 2018^39

ogis of India


Yogi Jalandhar Nath

Yo g i Jalandhar Nath was a direct disciple of Lord Shiva. He was also known as a
Mahasiddha Yogi.

As per one of the mythologies, he was born in a low caste family, in the city called
Thatta, in Sindh. Acharya Kambala was his Guru. A voice from heaven once told him
to go to Udayana and meditate there to achieve the desired Siddhis. In Udayana
he got the lessons from King Indrabhuti and a godly woman Laksmikara. He also
received instructions in Tantras from Acharya Kachapada. Later he got initiated by
an Dakini (A Tantric priestess). Eventually he took it upon himself to offer selfless
services for salvation of the various living beings.

As per another version, he was born in Nagarbhog village in a Brahmin family.
However, from young age, he showed disdain towards the material world. Sitting
in a cemetery he was once wondering about the impermanent nature of the world.
At that time a Dakini approached him and told him that he must work towards
keeping his mind clean and pure. It is believed that it was she who initiated him
into the great path of yoga through which the Siddhis or the super natural powers
could be acquired. He underwent austere practices under her tutelage. After seven
years of dedicated practice, he is said to have mastered various Yogic Siddhis.

Later the Yo g i moved to Jalandhara (known as Punjab and Himachal Pradesh
currently). He is supposed to have received the name Siddha Jalandhari as he
spent a lot of time in Jalandhara. His name is also traditionally connected to the
practice of Jalandhara-Bandha or the Chin Lock (one of the three main Bandhas
or locks practised by Yogis), and the invention of Hevajra Tantra. He is supposed
to have penned the following commentaries on the Hevajra Tantra - Suddhivajra
Pradip and Hevajra Sadhana.

In order to spread the knowledge to the countries in the east, he took the form of
a Hadi, a sweeper. Jalandhar Nath travelled extensively in India to propagate yoga
and Dharma. Many places in the country are connected with his name.
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