MaximumPC 2005 06

(Dariusz) #1
Firewalls and antivirus programs are just dandy for
protecting your PC itself, but what about the stuff that’s
on your PC? The thousands of MP3s you’ve amassed
over the years; your income-tax returns dating back
to the Reagan presidency; your infallible proposal for
achieving peace in the Middle East—we’re talking about
your data, chief. Those precious bits and bytes might be
safe enough on your hard drive, but they’re dangerously
exposed the moment they leave the shelter of your
home. Send an e-mail, and it might pass through dozens
of other computers on the Internet, where it could be
easily intercepted and read before reaching its intended
recipient. Indulge in the convenience of carrying your
most important data in your pocket on a USB fl ash drive
or a portable hard disk, and you’ll be in a world of hurt if

that pocket drive is lost or stolen.
Digital thieves are everywhere, so we’ll show you
some easy ways—using free and low-cost tools—to
defend the data stored on your pocket drives. We’ll show
you how you can ensure the privacy of your e-mail, too.
And for the uninitiated, we’ll explain the basics of what
encryption is and how it works.



How To...^ A step-by-step guide to tweaking your PC experience



Protect Your Data



Use encryption technology to

keep your private data out of

the public domain


You probably use encryption all
the time, whether you realize it
or not. Encryption is what keeps
shady characters from seeing
your password when you log onto
Hotmail, or stealing your credit-
card number while shopping
online. And in a much more potent
form, it’s what the government
uses to keep enemies of the state
from getting their hands on top-
secret NSA communiqués.
Encryption is fundamentally
about obscuring data, using a
special code called a key. Here’s a
simple example: Say your best
friend wants to know how much you
really paid for your engagement
ring. Suspecting that your girlfriend
is monitoring your Internet
connection, you e-mail your buddy
saying the ring cost $8,000. Next,
you call him on the telephone and
inform him that you encoded the
message by multiplying the true

price by 800. Your friend then
divides 8,000 by 800 to learn that
the ring cost a mere $10; your
girlfriend will be none the wiser.
(Note: Maximum PC does not
advocate buying your fi ancé a $10
engagement ring, and we accept no
responsibility for the consequences
of such unwise actions.)
Real-world encryption
procedures are much more
complicated, of course, but the
concept is basically the same.
They differ mainly in terms of
the number and types of keys
used to scramble and unscramble
data, as well as how those keys
are computed. Good encryption
algorithms generally use very
large numbers (indicated by the
bit strength, e.g., 128-bit) and
complex formulas. In order to
decrypt something, you’ll need to
either know or be able to compute
the proper key. Assuming the
key-generating algorithm is too
complex to decipher, the only way
a hacker can decrypt your data is

by guessing the right key. That’s
why higher bit strength translates
into better security—a 256-bit
binary key (where the value of
each bit can be either 0 or 1) has
a whopping 2^256 possible values!
Few (if any) criminals will bother
with the exorbitant amount of
time needed to try out that many
keys—they’ll just move on to an
easier target.
OK, that’s simple enough; the
more bits, the better. But how
can you tell whether a particular
encryption utility uses a secure
algorithm? As a rule of thumb, opt
for utilities that employ one of the
widely used encryption algorithms
that cryptography experts have
deemed secure. There are too
many to mention here, but some
of the most popular include AES
(Advanced Encryption Standard),
RC4, Blowfi sh, and 3DES (Third
Generation Data Encryption
Standard). We’ll stick with AES
for this how-to; AES has yet to be
cracked as of this writing.
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