T H I S M O N T H: Craig Tate’s blingGreen
rior to its present incarna-
tion, this month’s Rig was
a homely, hand-me-down,
beige steel box of dubious ori-
gins. But Craig Tate saw beyond
its bland facade, past the
machine-punch pockmarks that
riddled its surface, to the beauty
that would be blingGreen.
He rolled up his sleeves,
Bondoed, sanded, and drilled
away at the blah beast until his
joints were stiff and his fingers
bleeding. Then he primed and
MetalCast every nook and
cranny, and bedecked the inte-
rior with lights. It was a mother
of a makeover, to be sure, and
yet despite the radical mea-
sures, the result is tasteful and
artfully balanced.
By far, blingGreen’s most
striking attribute are the hand-
cut harlequin flames adorning
it. On the side, a piece of 1/8-
inch UV-reflective blue acrylic
resides between the cutouts in
the case and the window, for
added dimension.
At some points, these flames are
just 2-3mm wide. And they were
cut with a Dremel! Tate’s biggest
challenge was maintining the
structural integrity of the steel
while giving the flames a delicate,
organic feel.
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If you have a contender for Rig of the Month, e-mail [email protected] with high-res digital pics and a 300-word write-up.
Rig of the Month
More than 20 LEDs of different colors are
attached to a circuit board inside the case. Half
are triggered by hard drive activity, and the
other half are triggered at idle. It all serves to
create a dramatic flickering effect behind the
flame cutouts.
Craig Tate’s blingGreen
At some points, these flames are
just 2-3mm wide. And they were
If you have a contender for Rig of the Month, e-mail [email protected]
Craig Tate’s blingGreen
beige steel box of dubious ori-
gins. But Craig Tate saw beyond
machine-punch pockmarks that
riddled its surface, to the beauty
Bondoed, sanded, and drilled
away at the blah beast until his
joints were stiff and his fingers
bleeding. Then he primed and
cranny, and bedecked the inte-
rior with lights. It was a mother
of a makeover, to be sure, and
sures, the result is tasteful and
Craig Tate’s blingGreen
In what may be
a modding first,
crushed velvet
makes an appear-
ance, doing double
duty as a cable
cover/sound damp-
ener. Is it just us,
or does it make
you want to curl up
inside the PC with a