
(ff) #1
What is it? This calming
class, created by fitness pros
Les Mills, takes a holistic
approach to fitness by
mixing elements of yoga,
Pilates and t’ai chi.
Body benefits? You’ll leave
feeling calm and restored.
And another big draw? In a
45-minute class, you could
burn between 200 and 300
calories. It’s all about
feeling strong and centred
as you move through a
series of stretches, moves
and poses. You’ll focus on
controlled breathing as
you flow through the
workout, building
flexibility and strength.
Where do I sign up?
BodyBalance classes
are available at Fitness
First gyms nationwide
( or try
an online class at home
by subscribing to Les
Mills On Demand for
£9.95 per month

Candlelit yoga
What is it? Exactly that. A yoga class
held in a room flooded with candlelight
to maximise the atmosphere of total
Zen. The idea is that the low lighting
from the candles completely removes
distractions and
helps you to
properly relax.
Body benefits?
It’s all about slow
stretches and
calming postures,
with a focus
on breathing
techniques and
Sounds like
the perfect
end to a
frantic day.

Where do I sign up? Classes are
cropping up across the UK. Check out
Viva La Vinyasa (
in Brighton, while Virgin Active
(virginactive. offers Calm By
Candlelight classes at three London
clubs with plans to expand nationwide.



A 4 b f W a

yoga is great
for my body
and mind’
42, from
We s t
has been doing candlelit
yoga with Viva La
Vinyasa since February.

'I’ve tried lots of different
yoga and Pilates classes
but always found it difficult
to stick with one until
I came across Viva
La Vinyasa’s candlelit
sessions. I go every
Monday evening, it’s really
calming and de-stressing
and is now part of my
weekly routine. Initially,
I thought I’d find it hard
getting there every
Monday after work when
you just want to curl up at
home, but now I’d be lost
without it. The room is lit
up by candles and it’s a
60-minute vinyasa class,
so it’s fairly fast-paced. But
thanks to the low lighting,
I find it easy to focus on the
moves I’m doing, and I’m
less aware of the people
around me. The 10-minute
relaxation at the end is
particularly restorative,
especially after a long day!
The class helps me sleep,
too. I used to struggle with
going to bed early and, like
many people, I tended to
look at my phone in bed –
really bad for winding
down. But after my class
I feel completely relaxed,
so I go straight to bed and
experience a much deeper
sleep. My fitness has also
improved. The class has
made me more aware of
my body and helped me
to regain flexibility, which
I’d lost as I’d got older. For
me, the class isn’t just
about exercise, it’s about
my overall wellbeing,
looking after my mind
as well as my body.'

ExErcisE trEnd

Wo r d s

Christina Quaine




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