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Did you know up to 45% of women are affectd by
vaginal dryness? We’ve got the facts – and a solution...

To discover how to treat vaginal
dryness and to get advice on intimate
healthcare, go to or look
on the Vagisan Facebook page. Vagisan
MoistCream is available without
prescription in Boots and pharmacies.

Intimate issues

s o lv e D!


Hormone changes
It can affect women at any
age, and is often associated
with changes in hormone
levels – for example when taking
the contraceptive Pill or while
breastfeeding. Women who’ve had
surgery on their womb or ovaries
may also find dryness becomes
a problem. Because it’s hormone-
free, vagisan MoistCream is
suitable for use at any time.


treatments Many
women find there are
uncomfortable side effects
to a variety of drugs used in the
treatment of cancer, and breast
cancer in particular. other
medications for diabetes, asthma,

depression and endometriosis
may also have vaginal dryness as
a side effect.


The menopause
one of the natural changes
that comes with the
menopause is a reduction
in the amount of oestrogen we
produce. With less of this female
hormone, there’s also less vaginal
fluid to provide lubrication. This
can lead to dryness in the delicate
tissues around the vulva and
vagina. And when this skin is less
elastic, it becomes vulnerable to
soreness, irritation and injury.

3 CoMMon Causes oF Vaginal dryness

Vagisan MoistCream is an effective
remedy, offering relief from the
discomfort of dryness. You can apply it
externally around the vulva and there’s
also an easy-to-use applicator that
allows you to use the cream directly
inside the vagina. Offering relief from the
very first application, this hormone-free
cream provides moisture and nurturing
lipids to keep delicate skin soft and
supple. You don’t need a prescription
and can buy it over the counter at your
pharmacy. But if symptoms such as pain,
itching or burning sensations continue,
you should see your GP as there could
be an underlying cause.

The solution!

get your love
life back on track
One of the major issues with vaginal
dryness is that it can cause pain and
discomfort during sex. An active sex life
is a vital part of any relationship but
there’s no need to let dryness, whatever
the cause, affect that. Vagisan relieves
day-to-day dryness and discomfort,
and it can also be used safely
as a lubricant during



Wo r d s

Charlotte Richards


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