
(ff) #1

My challenge

Will an online food diary help writer

Kirstin Chaplin get her diet back on track?


onfession: for
the past six
months, my
eating habits have
been appalling.
A combination of work,
studying and mum taxi duties
have meant I’ve skipped meals
and, some days, survived
purely on processed foods.
So could Instagramming my
meals, and letting the whole
world see how bad my diet is,
push me to be healthier?

Day one
I’m immediately struck by
how mindful the challenge is
making me. At a petrol station,
where I’d usually have bought
chocolate-coated rice cakes, I
opt for a coffee instead. Just as
well, because that night I stay
at my parents’ home and it’s
fish and chips for tea.

Day two
The day starts well, but by
3pm I’m exhausted by all the
restraint and have a Twix.
It’s downhill from there – that
night, at a friend’s house,
I devour a huge bowl of pre-
dinner crisps. When I post
to Insta, I’m cheered to get a
message from a new follower
saying #loveyourpost!


Kirstin Chaplin


Instagram @kirstinchaplin

Day seven: healthy
brekkie to smile about

Can Instagram

make me healthy?

Taking up a new
challenge? Let us know


The verDIcT
Despite the odd slip, the
Instagram challenge did
make me think twice
about what I ate and
pushed me towards
healthier options. As the
week went on, I found
that resisting unhealthy
foods became easier
and I remembered the
importance of having
healthy foods prepped
and ready in the fridge.
Keeping an online food
diary is a great way to
stay motivated, but
I’m not entirely sure it’s
very interesting for
friends and followers!

Day three
Despite the #foodfails so far,
I am actually resisting a lot of
unhealthy extras. I worry my
Instagram feed is getting a bit
too foodie, so I use the option
of adding multiple pictures
to one post. With each post,
I gain new followers but my
overall numbers fluctuate –
my feed’s turning off as many
people as it’s turning on!

Day four
While food shopping, I avoid
buying anything I wouldn’t be
prepared to post online. This
is definitely a lesson I’ll take
with me once the challenge is
over. However, I’m shocked
when I look back at the day’s
photos. I thought I’d done well,
but had forgotten about the
slice of pizza I ate before
ordering a fish-finger sarnie
and chips at a beachside cafe!
Mindful of my mistakes, I have
salmon and veg for dinner.

Day five
I’m always looking for photo
locations. ‘Look at that ray of
sunshine!’ I’ll shout as I rush to
move my plate this way and

that. My kids roll their eyes,
but I’ve lost 1lb this week.

Day six
I have another good day, but
a late-night work call means I
miss dinner and end up eating
a protein bar instead. I notice
the number of likes for each
new picture is dwindling. Am
I officially a #foodbore?

Day seven
It’s my final day and I vow to be
a #foodinspiration. I breakfast
on yogurt and berries and for
lunch I have an immensely
Instagrammable prawn salad
in a jar. #winning.

Day one: fish-
and-chips fail

66 FIT










Day four: making m
up for mistakes

Day two: unable to^
resist a Twix finger
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