MaximumPC 2006 06

(Dariusz) #1


By now, you’ve already heard that
Microsoft has delayed Vista yet again, this
time until early 2007. After spending hun-
dreds of hours testing the latest build, we
defi nitely understand why. Vista and the
drivers it relies on aren’t stable enough to
ship. Nevertheless, we can extrapolate
from build 5308 what the future has in
store for us. We can even use this latest
build to get a pretty good idea of how the
OS will run on different levels of hardware.
But fi rst, let’s cover the basics.
With Vista, Microsoft’s goal is an oper-
ating system that will last for 10 or more
years. To accomplish this, the brain trust
in Redmond went over Windows XP with
a fi ne-toothed comb, looking for any lega-
cy code, then revamping, rewriting, or just
plain excising it as the situation demand-
ed. Old code wasn’t the only thing that

went under the hatchet; all those weird
things that never made sense (why are
there mail-related settings in both the Mail
control panel, and the Internet control
panel?) were reworked.
When you sit down for the fi rst time
with Vista, it’s not going to be a totally
alien experience, but there are signifi cant
differences, especially if you’ve grown
used to Windows XP’s quirks. It’s like
traveling to a foreign country where every-
one speaks English. The basic stuff is the
same, but it just feels a little strange.
So sit back, relax, and enjoy our guided
tour of Vista. When you’ve got your fi ll of
the new features and whatnot, turn to page
35 and see how our 15 test machines fared
when running the beta OS. We’ll help you
plot your upgrades so your machine will be
ready for Vista, whenever it fi nally ships!


Are You Ready?


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