Keep Your Dual-Core Happy with the Right Diet
When Intel introduced Hyper-Threading in 2002, it was nearly impossible to fi nd
multithreaded applications outside the highly-specialized realm of workstation
software. Today, multithreaded apps for home users are much more plentiful,
and can give dual-core processors a
healthy performance boost compared
with their single-core cousins.
To get the most from your dual-
core CPU, you need to run multi-
threaded applications. Here’s a short
list of applications we’ve found that
run signifi cantly faster on a dual-core
system. All of them offer a healthy
dose of multithreading, and some
even scale to offer major performance
increases on machines with four or
more CPU cores!
Adobe Premiere Elements 2.0
Adobe Premier Pro
Bibble Labs Bibble 4.6
Ahead Nero Recode 7
Quake 4 (with 1.1 patch)
Call of Duty 2
PictureCode Noise Ninja
DVD Shrink
Omnipage 10, 15
Abbyy FineReader 8
Dream Machine 2005’s four cores
go to work in Bibble Lab’s Bibble
4.6 digital-photo converter. This
app supports up to 16 proces-
sors when it converts your RAW
photos to other formats!
Host the Server at Your
Next LAN Party
Let your friends think you’re shoulder-
ing a huge burden by volunteering to
host the game server and keep your
dualie’s performance edge to yourself.
By running a dedicated server and
confi ning it to one of your cores, you’ll
see very little performance impact. At
the same time, you’ll pick up a zero
ping on the server (it doesn’t get any
closer than inside your PC); plus you
have control over the server’s name
and the options you want to run.
The most effi cient way to do this is
to download the separate dedicated
server fi le for the game you’re plan-
ning to run. Start the dedicated server
and set the affi nity for the process
using the steps we showed you in our
troubleshooting guide. Then fi re up the
game, Alt-Tab out, and set the affi nity
for your game to the other core. You’ll
be able to run both the game and the
server at the same time, with a negli-
gible performance hit—amazing!
With a dual-core CPU, you can
host a dedicated game server
and run the game at the same
time. Yes, way!
Think of It as a Duplex for
Folding@Home is a distributed computing
project being run by Stanford University. It uses
your computer’s CPU to analyze data on human
diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and
cancer. For F@H fanatics, a dual-core machine
is a dream come true because it can handle two
work units at once. It’s tricky, however, to confi g-
ure F@H to take full advantage of the separate
cores. To do that, you’ll need to download the
no-nonsense command-line version of the client
for your OS from and
follow these instructions.
Place the downloaded client into a folder
in Program Files and label it FAH1. Copy the
folder and its contents to a second folder labeled
FAH2. Execute the fi le named FAH504-Console.
exe from FAH1. Choose a user name. If you want
a unique name, check the Folding website to see
what user names are still available. Enter a team
number ( Maximum PC’s team number is 11108).
If you want the program to launch automatically
when you start Windows, answer yes to the
service question, otherwise hit enter. Stick with
the default settings until you get to the option to
change advanced settings. You can select the
defaults until you reach the question for Machine
ID. Select 1 for this session and click enter. The
program will go out to the Internet, download
work units, and begin crunching them.
Minimize the fi rst console and open the sec-
ond folder, FAH2. Repeat the sequence until you
get to the question about machine ID. For this
folder, set it as 2. If you have a dual-core CPU
with Hyper-Threading you can run four clients
simultaneously, although the performance bump
isn’t as dramatic. Check our Folding forum at for more F@H tips
and tweaks.
You can fold proteins twice as fast
with a dualie by running two clients
You’ve solved your weird dual-core hiccups with our tips (and
the timely sacrifice of one poor chicken), and now you’re look-
ing for some positive reinforcement of your decision to go dual-
core. Don’t worry young man/woman/child, you’ve made the
right choice. To prove it, we’re going to show you four activities
that would bring the mightiest single-core rig to its knees, but
that run like buttah on a dualie.
Let the Thread Times Flow