Australian Yoga Journal — July 2017

(ff) #1



gluten-free and



By Lorien Waldron



**Pre-heat your oven to 175ºC while you
prepare the biscuit mix.

  1. Place all dry ingredients – oats, sunflower
    seeds, pumpkin seeds, cinnamon powder,
    cardamon powder and sea salt – into a
    large mixing bowl.

  2. Prepare the dates: Take the pits out of the
    dates and place the dates in the blender.
    Cover them in hot water and let soften for
    3-4 minutes. Once dates are soft, blend for
    1-2 minutes until smooth. (It’s fine to leave
    some chunks!) Add the date purée to the
    dry mix of oats and seeds.

  3. Now melt the ghee, butter or coconut oil,
    and stir into the dry mix with the dates.

  4. Add vanilla essence and stir with a
    wooden spoon or clean hands until the
    wet and dry ingredients have mixed well
    together and you’re happy with the

  5. Take some melted ghee or coconut oil
    and oil the baking tray or use a sheet of
    baking paper.

  6. Take a small piece of biscuit mix and roll
    into a ball in your hands then flatten with
    the palms of your hand to create a circular
    biscuit shape.

  7. Place your tray of biscuits in the oven and
    bake for about 35 minutes or until golden

  8. Take the biscuits out once they’re done
    and let them cool before stacking them in
    your favourite biscuit jar or container!

*Note: Organic whole food ingredients can
often vary according to the season and
where they were grown. Always use your
intuition in the kitchen to gauge the right
consistency and texture and don’t be afraid
to add a little more of something if you feel
the recipe calls for it. This is the fun part
where you are able to use your creativity!

Photo and recipe from
Lorien’s E-book,
Simple Ayurveda in
the Kitchen, available
at http://www.wholesome
ebook. Follow Lorien
on Instagram for Ayurvedic wisdom and
inspiration @wholesomelovinggoodness


2.5 cups organic oats*
1 cup organic sunflower seeds
1 cup organic pumpkin seeds
4 Tbsp. organic cinnamon powder
2 Tbsp. organic cardamon powder (or seeds)
1 tsp. fennel seeds
1/2 tsp. fine organic sea salt
200 ml homemade organic melted ghee,
butter or coconut oil
20 organic dates soaked
1 tsp. organic pure vanilla essence
Your love! 

* Note: If you are celiac, use gluten-free
un-contaminated oats.





july 2017
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