Australian Yoga Journal — July 2017

(ff) #1

turn up each day, face our fears, share our
experiences and grow as humans. It’s as
much a community of teachers as well as
students. Creating an evolving ecosystem
where we can foster and develop that
within our community is truly satisfying
for me.

AYJ What is BML’s core philosophy?
PHIL We really started from the position
(and I think every yoga teacher on the
planet has at the very least had this thought
at some point) that the world would be a
better place if everyone was practicing yoga.
At BML, one of our founding principles has
always been inclusivity vs exclusivity – this
is for everyone.

AYJ What have been your greatest lessons
along the way? 
PHIL There have been so many lessons in my
life and I am grateful for them all. They
have been my greatest teachers. Finding
great teachers to learn from, really learning
what they can teach you and then letting
them move on, has been one lesson. In the
early days I revered my teachers and really
put them up on pedestals. Discovering that

they were human and had the failings of
humans caused me great distress at those
This leads to learning how to let go and
break away when you need with elegance.
Failure is OK – it’s part of the journey,
essential for growth – letting a part of you
die in order for something new to come
through is a worthwhile lesson to

Fatherhood: Firstly you see the amazing
power and natural ability of your partner/
mother of your child to rise and solve any
and every issue – 24/7. Ferique, my business
and life partner, is my inspiration and GiGi,
my daughter, is this light-fi lled little girl.
Like the cliché, I feel really inspired to be
the absolute best version of myself for my
family and for BodyMindLife ... we are
creating something profound.

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