Australian Yoga Journal — July 2017

(ff) #1
moment and begin to observe your
surroundings. Notice the space you’re
in, the quality of your environment, the
overall atmosphere and the feeling of
the space around you. Take note of the
textures, the tones, and how much your
senses can take in while you connect to
your outer surroundings. Start to sip in
the details, and notice the little nuances.
As you become more aware of the
external setting, see how you can start
to relax into your body and inner layers
of your mind, breath and feeling.
Let the outer edges of your body begin
to relax, softening your skin, and
inviting that softness to pour its way
inwards into your innermost core.
Continue to breathe deeply, in a really
natural and easy way, as you follow PHOTO: CAMERON DAVID SMITH

the pathway of your inner softening. 
As you begin to follow the subtlety of
your breath into your inner space, see
how you can drop into your most basic
awareness of yourself inside this
moment. Try relaxing your attention
back a level, so you can start to notice
any mental chatter, inner dialogue, and
gradually you can transition into a mode
of observing yourself and the moment
simultaneously. By tapping into this
depth of awareness, you may find the
dust starts to settle and you can start to
observe your thoughts, mind, body and
breath with more acute clarity. Stay
here in this place of observation for a
few minutes, encouraging a space of
presence, peacefulness and gentle
awareness. As you finish, slowly ease
into your day and carry the gifts that you
receive with you as you continue on your

way. You can keep this up, and use it as a
tool to practice orienting yourself with
internal direction. 
Over time, this inner compass can be
cultivated and soon it will become a
touchstone of peace and balance for you
to use and access as you please. No
matter where you are, wherever you go
in the world, you can carry this inner
map with you as a place to draw on for
support in your life and in your daily
practice. The method is refreshingly
simple: look inwards to find your true
north. The map is available, and the
landscape awaits inside you. An array of
benefits comes with this discovery of
“Mindfulness is not chasing the
moment but sipping the nectar of the
42 — Amit Ray, Mindfulness

july 2017
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