Australian Yoga Journal — July 2017

(ff) #1


july 2017

In conjunction with the practice
of mindfulness, the internal voyage
of discovery can be enriched by
understanding the yogic limb of
pratyahara, which is all about going
inwards. Pratyahara is usually defined as
‘withdrawing of the senses’ in order
to understand how we are internally
affected by the external influences
around us. By drawing our senses
inwards, we can begin to understand
how all outer influences affect us, and
how we can gain more skill in maintaining
equilibrium within, by using discernment
in what we allow to impress upon us
and utilising tools to find our centre. In
bringing more awareness of what we’re
taking in through our senses (taste,
touch, smell, sound, sight, what we eat,
what we drink, and the experiences we
have) we can start to understand how we

Chris’slove and passion
for yoga seep through the
seams of his life, extending
from each class he teaches,
to the moments he spends
on his mat exploring and
discovering the depths of
what a yogic practice and
lifestyle have to offer. Catch Chris on the
mat for workshops, trainings, and retreats at

are affected and how everything we
take in ultimately leaves some kind of
impression on us. Through regular
meditation, mindfulness, and inward
yoga practice, we can slowly peel back
the layers of these impressions and
return home into ourselves and our
innermost blueprint. In this way, a daily
practice of mindfulness and meditation
can do great wonders to bring us back
into the moment, aware and present
with the gifts and opportunities life
presents to us. 
By creating space to go within, we
create ideal conditions to cultivate
wellbeing, to hone our centre, and to
create more room for balance in our lives. 
At first you can challenge yourself to
set this time aside as a priority in your
day, and eventually you can make it a
daily ritual or habit. Create a framework

to work from: When will you practice
going within? Is there a space in your
home you can set aside to devote your
practice to? How long will you sit for?
Consider setting realistic and attainable
goals to work from to chart a path for
success. Make it accessible for yourself
so your practice can easily integrate into
your daily life. Going within need not be
limited to mindfulness and meditation
only, but you can also bring pratyahara
into your yoga asana practice. Slower
practices like Yin Yoga, Restorative Yoga
and Yoga Nidra are all great starting
points to carry more inner space. Going
within can also be explored in other
ways, such as taking salt baths, float
tank sessions, or reflective walks in
nature which allow you to pay attention
to your inner environment while
exploring the outer.
Approach your internal practice with
gentleness. There is a richness in this
practice, a gem within to discover as you
chart your journey inwards. Go there.
Explore there. Become curious. Carry
your discoveries with you into your life
and what you do. In that way, you can
remember to carry your best space
forward. Remember in life’s moments
where you feel disoriented, out of
balance or off centre, there is a vast
reservoir to draw on, an inner compass
to orient yourself, and a map that leads
back home to your inner intelligence.
The directions to find your way to that
place inside you are simple: “Look

Regular mindfulness and meditation practices:

  • Reduce stress, cortisol levels and anxiety

  • Promote overall wellness and wellbeing

  • Have the ability to reduce fight-or-flight
    responses, adrenal overload and fatigue

  • Increase capacity to focus and concentrate

  • Are great for relaxation and can aid in
    deeper sleep

  • Recent studies have shown that meditation
    can assist in emotional regulation, improve
    learning, improve memory, and re-wire
    neural pathways, potentially even creating
    new brain cells.

Create balance internally and externally by slowing

down, journeying within and relaxing into your body,

mind and breath. Cultivate and nourish your inner

compass ... your ultimate guide through life.

By Chris Dixon


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