Australian Yoga Journal — July 2017

(ff) #1


july 2017




circle, Gwyn looked around the room,
smiled, and said encouragingly, “You’re
all doing a great job.”
I had been nervous leading up to my
first day of teaching, where I would
share a class themed ‘letting go’ in
Zenthai style. In a last-minute effort to
embody the teachings, I threw away
my notes and showed up, completely
vulnerable, to share the value of
surrender. I left the class feeling light
and confident, happy for the opportunity
to receive feedback, and completely held
and supported in sharing myself more
deeply with my students.

As we moved into the water element,
Gwyn invited us to “flow with whatever
life throws at you” as we “uncondition”
ourselves and tune into truth. “If you say
it’s difficult, it is,” he gently reminded
us. I realised I had been internally
moaning about the amount of energy
the process required, like I’d be happier
on the couch eating chips and chocolate.
As I reflected on this I became aware of a
slight pain in my kidney — the organ
associated with the water element.
Two days into the exploration of
water, I was emotionally fragile.
Beginning to miss home and, feeling the
internal growing pains, I felt like I was
taking a journey through the wounds of

my psyche, an uncomfortable step in the
process, but a necessary one for self-
awareness, growth and healing. I was
vulnerable and raw, and needed space
for healing, so I retreated into the
comfort of my room and allowed myself
some space to process as the water
flowed freely, and the emotions washed
over me.

By the time we reached the wood
element, we were approaching the
halfway point. I began to feel myself ease
into this new reality. The bodywork was
getting more challenging and the asana
intense, but at the same time it felt like
the hardest part was over and we were
free falling. That night, as I was shaving
my legs, I listened to the sound of the
blades, felt the sensations and noticed
the rhythm of my movements. “Hey,” I
thought to myself, “I’m being present.”
And just like that, it was gone. Like

As we all eased into the comfort of our
new community, we were becoming
closer and closer. We sat in circles
singing and hugging, like a scene from
a seventies movie. But it didn’t feel
comical. It felt real, expansive, open,
easy. Like life should be. Everyone was

feeling it. Our collective heart was
cracking wide open and we marinated in
this sometimes joyful, sometimes tender
vulnerability. Acknowledging that
tenderness, Gywn held us in our
rawness, as the self-doubt began to
surface — a result of truly showing up.
“I’m just gonna offer a plate here,” he
soothed, as he encouraged us all to be
ourselves, to work creatively and to love
from the inside out. We had reached
another sticky point of growth, another
step on the path of transformation.
There are moments in life where we
can clearly see a before and an after
version of ourselves. Before our first
relationship and after. Before our first
yoga class and after. Before our first
overseas adventure and after. Before our
first child and after. Zenthai Flow is one
of those moments. It’s not so much a
becoming something new as it is coming
back to the essence of who you truly are.
My mantra became soften, open, let go.
On our final night, I poured my
feelings onto paper.
Tonight it finally happened. I finally
cracked. The tears were pouring out of me.
Uncontrollably. I suddenly felt so
connected to this community. Lately I’ve
lost myself in the turmoil of life, and it’s
stopped me from shining like I used to. But
here I’ve finally felt myself cracking open
and wanting to see and be seen. Tonight,
when I really saw that happening, and saw
that it was over, I just couldn’t stop
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