Australian Yoga Journal — July 2017

(ff) #1


july 2017

about pasionfruit


is the epitome of summer. We drizzle
it over pavlovas at Christmas or stir
it into a tropical mojito. But did you
know that passionfruit is also ripe
and delicious during the winter
months? Kaye Ziser, a passionfruit
farmer in Queensland, says the cooler
weather allows for effective pollination,
resulting in an extra tangy, punchy
Not only do they taste delicious, but
passionfruit are also a good source of
fibre and vitamin C, helping to keep
your digestive system healthy and aiding
your body to fight off the dreaded
winter flu.
For 10 months of the year, Kaye and
her team are up at dawn collecting the
little bundles of golden goodness that
drop from the vines overnight. The fruit
is then graded and packed according to
quality, and sent to various fresh fruit
markets across Queensland and NSW.


Bag it
Keep your passionfruit in a bag in the fridge and they’ll last a month.

Pick plump
Go for plump and smooth fruit that’s heavy for its size as it
will have more pulp inside.

Crack one open
Did you know you can open passionfruit with your bare hands?
Place the passionfruit between your palms, clasp your fingers together
and push your palms towards each other to break the passionfruit skin,
then pry it open with your fingers. Watch out for the juice!

Get juicy
Don’t cut passionfruit in half but rather slice the top off and eat it like a
boiled egg to avoid losing the delicious juice.

Brighten up your winter and delight in the taste and health benefits of this
seasonal, sensational and popular Australian fruit.
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