Australian Yoga Journal — July 2017

(ff) #1


your practice


july 2017


3 Twists-of-Fire Chair Pose

Come into Chair Pose again. Inhale here, and on your exhale, bring
your palms together at your chest and touch your right elbow to
the outside of your left knee. (Keep both hips back to protect your
knees.) Inhale to return to Chair Pose, or come to stand with your
arms reaching up. On your next exhale, twist to the opposite
direction (left elbow to right knee). Continue this movement,
alternating sides as you pass back through centre, for 1 minute. 

5 Ninja Lunges

From Temple Pose, turn your feet forward, so they’re parallel to the
short edges of your mat. Bend your knees and move your spine
and arms to the left and right in a flowing, organic movement of
your choice. Be sure to draw your low belly and lumbar spine in a
little so you don’t ‘hang’ in the lower-back curve. 

4 Temple Prayer Pose
Face the long edge of your mat and walk your feet much wider than
your hips. Bend your knees, and turn your feet out until your toes
face the same direction as your kneecaps. As you inhale, reach your
arms overhead for Temple Pose. As you exhale, step your left foot
to meet your right foot in Chair Pose with palms together at your
chest. Inhale and step wide to return to Temple Pose; exhale and
step your right foot to meet your left back in Chair Pose facing the
other direction, again with your palms together at your chest. 
Repeat for 1 minute.

6 Fists-of-Fire Flying Lunge
Come into High Lunge with your left foot forward, right foot back;
your feet should be about hip-width apart. As you inhale, straighten
your legs and reach your arms overhead. As you exhale, bend your
front knee and sweep your hands down to form upturned fists at
your hips. Inhale to return to High Lunge. Repeat for 1 minute; then,
if needed, rest before switching sides, with your right foot forward.
Repeat for 1 more minute.
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