Australian Yoga Journal — July 2017

(ff) #1


july 2017

7 Run the Dog
Come into Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward-Facing Dog Pose), making sure your fingertips and palms are planted strongly
and evenly on your mat. On your exhale, lift the heel of your right foot, bend your left knee, and move it toward your left
elbow; on your inhale, return to Down Dog. On your next exhale, come onto the ball of your left foot, bring your right knee
toward your right elbow, then return to Down Dog on the inhale. Repeat for 30 seconds. If possible, for the final 30 seconds,
pick up the pace until you begin to ‘run’ this pose, bringing your knees to your elbows on each exhale. (If ‘running’ is too much,
drop to your hands and knees.)

8 Diabloasana
Come into Plank Pose, with your hands shoulder-width apart and fingers strongly grounded into the mat. Focus on lifting your
front belly, ribs, and lumbar spine for support. Stay here for a couple of breaths, then, keeping your feet separated (not stacked),
begin to sway your heels from side to side, keeping your hips lifted and your body in one long line. Repeat for 1 minute. (If this is
too challenging to maintain without losing form, drop to your knees and instead sway your hips from side to side.)


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