Asana – March 2017

(Elliott) #1


Internal Shoulder Rotation

  1. Sit on the heels in Vajrasana/diamond pose and sit with the spine neutral.

  2. Bring the back of the left wrist on the waist with the fingers relaxed.

  3. Hold the left elbow with the right hand and keep the shoulders pulling
    down (not raise and squeezing the neck).

  4. Inhale and on exhale, pull the elbow towards the middle of the body. Hold
    this for two breaths and release, while repeating the practice for 3 more
    times, feeling the improved internal rotation after each try.

  5. Release the left hand from the waist and practice with the right side.

The below warm-up practices focus on internal shoulder rotation, twisting,
and in extending the hamstrings, calves and hips and strengthens the thighs
and knees. In practicing the hamstring and shoulder stretches, remember to
do the pose on both sides.

Uttanasana / Standing Forward Bend
(Block Variation)

  1. Place two blocks on the floor and come into Tadasana with

    the hands on the waist.

  2. Step on the blocks with the balls of the feet on the blocks
    and the heels on the floor. Keep the feet hip-width apart and
    avoid letting the feet roll outwards.

  3. Inhale and on exhale, engage the back of the thighs and lean
    into a full forward bend, bringing the abdomen close to the

  4. Hold the elbows and stay in the pose for a few deep breaths.

  5. After a few breaths, hold the bottoms of
    the feet and the bend the elbows sideways,
    aiming to bring the torso closer to the legs.

  6. Hold this position for a few deep breaths,
    allowing the lower back to extend

  7. For a deeper hamstring stretch and to
    lengthen the torso, place the fingertips or

    palms on the floor and keep the forward

  8. Slowly shift the weight forward towards the
    hands to increase the intensity of the stretch.
    The hands can be placed further away from
    the blocks as possible. Hold the stretch for a
    few deep breaths.

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