Asana – March 2017

(Elliott) #1

eligibilitY pose

Parivrtta Trikonasana / Revolved
Triangle Pose
From Parsvottanasana (without the block) with the left
leg in front, bring the right hand to the outside of the left
foot. Slowly turn the torso to face the left and on exhale,
extend the left arm up. Look to the left or if balance is not a
challenge, look towards the left arm.

Before trying Parivrtta Baddha Trikonasana, it is recommended
to practice the below to have a better understanding of the
movements required in the final pose.


  1. From Tadasana with hands on the waist,
    step the left foot forward. The front foot
    points forward while the back foot is
    turned outwards, about 45 degrees to the
    right. Keep both legs straight.
    2. Bend the front knee while
    keeping the back straight.

  2. Inhale and raise the right
    arm; on exhale, twist to the
    left and lock the right elbow
    against the left thigh.

  3. Slide the right forearm under the thigh; the left hand reaches
    back to hold the right hand or forearm. Once the grip is stable,
    straighten the left knee.

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