Yoga and Total Health — June 2017

(Barré) #1

“What are you doing! Bend forward!”
and roughly pushes the student. There
is so much violence, so much hurt. The
student winces with pain but he has
to do it. The posture has to be done
absolutely correct. A depressed student
is there and he hears half and does not
hear half of what is being said. If they
have been instructed to raise their right
hand and he raises the left hand, he is
in deep trouble. The master gets very

So, there are such masters and there
is such type of yoga. Thank God! We
are not in such a world! But this kind of
world is coming about everywhere. Even
in Mumbai it is popular. Unfortunately,
people are attracted to all the show and
pomp. The yoga masters promise to
cure cancer. Diabetes and asthma are
claimed to be nothing difficult to cure.
This is how people are lured. They are
told to do a number of things that will
benefit them in several ways, and the
people get down to twisting and turning
their hands and legs. Somewhere they
are internally weak, lost, fighting with
the family members that “I want to go
to this yoga class” and the other replies,
“Your yoga class is hopeless, go to the
other yoga class where massage, spa, is

Anyway, we did our humble work in
Singapore too. Those who came felt
very good. When I was leaving, some
of them were even crying and saying
that you are leaving us, we have just
started to learn something good.

Yoga is being misused everywhere. So
if we are able to take care of the right
yoga, start living in the right manner, it
will be to our benefit.

Do send us your views at

The Thinker

We see people carrying on even
at 70, 80 and 90 years. No doubt,
by that time the physical capacities
deteriorate and certain changes
happen. People notice, but they don’t
want to accept. “What else will I do?”
is the question. “We are accustomed
to certain kind of responsibilities,
a certain kind of strength in the
family; we can’t lose it.”

So physically we retire, but from
the back door, we still remain
as advisors with the same
responsibilities. Mentally we are
not really ready for such changes,
because we don’t know what to do.
We have not worked out any plan
to do something that is pleasant,
something that is worthwhile, apart
from what we had been doing earlier.

Let us think about it.
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