Yoga and Total Health — June 2017

(Barré) #1
YOGA AND TOTAL HEALTH • June 2017^2525

The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali - A Perspective

Samar Chauhan

The main practices and techniques (Abhyasa, Vairagya, faith etc.) for self-realisation
have already been discussed in the previous Sutras. The student has to carry on with

A point comes however when he is faced with situations which are impossible to
understand and explain. This leads to trouble, uncertainty, etc. which continues for
any amount of time. With such a doubtful, uncertain mind one cannot concentrate
properly inspite of best of efforts. It is at this point that one can surrender
everything quietly and completely to God. This helps to steady the mind, a state
which is necessary in yoga.

It is interesting to note that the concept of God or Higher Reality and the principle
of surrendering to Him have not been brought in at the very start of the Yo g a
Sutras. They have been introduced only after discussions on the main practices and
that too, as an alternative idea. The word ‘Va ’ used in the Sutra means ‘or’. This is
because yoga is not a theistic science. Even a non-believer in God can become a
student of yoga. After all, yoga is only concerned with stoppage of the mind (Citta
Vritti Nirodha). The technique of surrendering to God is only introduced for when
the student finds it impossible to progress on his own strength (by following the
main practices and techniques). It is a clear and sensible arrangement.

Pranidhan is a special form of devotion. It consists in feeling the existence of
God deep within and surrendering oneself completely to Him. It is the feeling
that everything that is carried out by oneself is as if (though not in reality) being
prompted by Him. In other words, it is as if everything is carried out by Him. With
such a feeling, one gets detached from all the actions and the fruits of those actions
and is able to make oneself disinterested in everything. Such total surrender leads
to a calm and concentrated mind, one which progresses towards one-pointedness.

Chapter 1.23
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Ishvara Pranidhanat-Va
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