Yoga Journal Singapore — April-May 2017

(Darren Dugan) #1

  1. Utthita Parsvakonasana:Extended Side Angle Pose
    With the feet wide, exhale and bend the right leg until the thigh is parallel to
    the floor and makes a 90-degree angle with the shin. Place the right fingertips
    on the floor next to the right foot. Lift the arches and press the heels into the
    floor. On an exhalation, extend the left arm over the left ear. Stay for 2 to 3
    breaths. Inhale as you use the left arm to lift up, and straighten the right leg.
    Repeat on the left side.

  2. Setu Bandha Sarvangasana:Bridge Pose
    Lie on your back and bend the knees, bringing the heels toward the buttocks.
    Hold the sides of your mat and tuck the outer shoulders in to lift the sternum
    and chest. Exhale and lift the hips. Raise the heels off the floor, lift the hips a
    little more, and tuck the shoulders farther in. Keep the hips high and lower
    the heels to the floor. Draw your shins toward the chest while pressing down
    through the heels. Repeat 3 to 5 times.

  3. Marichyasana III
    Sit on the edge of two blankets, legs extended. Bend the right knee and place
    the foot on the floor. With the right hand on the floor, extend the left arm up
    to lift the spine. Exhale as you turn to the right, and hold the knee with the
    left hand. Move the right hand behind the buttocks. With each inhalation, lift
    the spine. With each exhalation, turn a little farther, starting with the abdomen
    and moving to the ribs, chest, shoulders, and head. Take 5-8 breaths to
    complete the twist. Release on an inhalation. Repeat on the other side.

  4. Utthita Trikonasana:Extended Triangle Pose
    Stand at the top of your mat. Exhale and jump your feet as wide as your
    outstretched arms. Turn the right leg and foot to the right and bring the left
    foot slightly in. Exhale and move the hips and legs to the left as you extend
    the torso to the right. Place the right hand on the floor or on your shin. Place
    the left hand on the waist.

Re-establish your balance: Lift and spread your toes. Lift the arches, knees,
and thighs, and press down through the heels. On an inhalation, lengthen the
trunk and exhale to turn the chest upward. Extend the left arm up. Broaden
the collarbones and stay for 2 to 3 breaths. Inhale to come up. Repeat on the
left side.
Benefits:Attention to the alignment in standing poses stretches the legs and
builds a strong, balanced foundation. Doing the poses in quick succession in
coordination with the breath— exhaling as you come into a pose and inhaling
to come out—encourages fluid, rhythmic motion.

Benefits:This helps to balance your legs, make you feel grounded and
increase strength in your muscles. Once you feel comfortable with the shape
of the standing poses, repeat them several times, moving from side to side
while paying special attention to inhaling and exhaling as you reach your hand
to the floor on steady, balanced legs.

Benefits:Strengthen the back muscles and bring health and vitality to the
spine in this pose. It will counteract the tendency to slump and sink in the
chest that comes from sitting at a desk.

Benefits:Twisting releases residual tension in the lower back or spine, tones
the abdominal muscles and internal organs, and quiets the mind and prepares
the body for final relaxation in Savasana.


april / may 2017
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