
(Nandana) #1
much strain, which is why, over time,
they become prone to ruptures and tears.
Strong lower-back muscles will also
support the spine by helping to keep its
natu ral curves in place. These curves
help distribute for ces evenly and pro-
vide stability when you’re in motion.
When weak muscles fail to hold them in
place, the curves become exaggerated,
and pain tends to result. Strong lower-
back muscles, along with strong abdom-
inals, also help lengthen the spaces be-
tween the spine’s bones and disks,
preventing them from grinding against
each other as you move.
So how do you stretch and strengthen
these muscles? Utthita Trikonasana (Ex-
tended Triangle Pose) and Dandasana
(Staff Pose) are particularly good be cause
they work the muscles of the ab domen
and the sides of the tor so as well as those
of the lower back. In addition, Trikona-
sana strengthens an important back
muscle called the quadratus lumborum,
which connects the hip to the rib cage
and allows you to bend sideways. It also
helps one side of the pelvis lift higher
than the other. You use it repeatedly dur-
ing any activity in which you shift your
body weight from side to side. To length-
en your quadratus muscle in Trikonasana,
Brown suggests using the wall as a prop.

Stretches the hamstrings, strength-
ens the lower back, and lengthens
the spine.
Sit with your legs extended and
your hands at your hips. Lengthen
your spine and draw the top of your
pelvis forward to bring your weight
directly onto your sitting bones.
If your lower back rounds, sit on a
folded blanket; this will help you
retain the normal curve of your
lower spine. (Slightly bending your
knees can also help.) Rotate your
thighs slightly in, reach the crown
of your head up, lift your chest, and
sit tall. If the backs of your knees
hurt, put a rolled-up towel under
them. Hold for 15–30 seconds.

Stand with your right foot near
a wall and your legs 3^1 ⁄ 2 –4 feet
apart. Turn your right foot out 90
degrees and your left foot slightly
in. Lift both kneecaps and extend
your arms to the sides. Exhaling,
bend at the right hip and take your
right hand to the wall. Extend your
left arm up, opening your chest.
Press your right hand into the wall
to help lengthen both sides of your
torso; draw your tailbone toward
your left heel to lengthen your
lower back. Inhale to come
up; repeat on the other side.


asanas for the lower back

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