Mount the Drive Rails
Now it’s time to measure and drill the
holes you’ll use to mount your drive
rails onto the case. Make sure you use
a drill bit that’s appropriate for your
rail material—a metal bit for metal rails
and a multipurpose bit for plastic rails.
It’s crucial that you make sure the rails
are perfectly level, or your drawer will
hang when you slide it in and out of the
case. We recommend using two holes
per rail to secure the rails in place.
Once you’ve drilled the holes, you
can use your screws, nuts, and wash-
ers to mount the rails. You’ll need to
use the Dremel tool to cut down the
screws so the drawer will slide in and
out of the case. Be sure to wear eye
protection when you use the Dremel!
After the rails are mounted, slide
the drawer into your case. You might
need to either trim or bend metal pro-
trusions in the slots if they block the
drawer. You might also need to make
small adjustments to the alignment of
the rails, if the drawer’s movement isn’t
smooth. Once you’re happy with the
movement of the drawer, move on to
the next step.
Before you can mount the
rails, you’ll need to drill a
hole through the rail, and
the side of the drawer.
Glue the Bezels
The last step is to trim any protuber-
ances from the slot covers you’re
going to use, so they’ll slide in and
out of the case easily. Then, slide
the drawer back into the case, and
apply glue to the front edge of the
drawer. Make sure the glue you’re
using is designed to join the materi-
als your drawer and bezel are made
of. Place the bezels on the glued
edges, and apply pressure until the
glue sets. You’ll probably want to
do one bezel at a time. After five
minutes, the glue will be set, but
we recommend letting it set for 24
hours before you put pressure on
the seal.
Finally, you’ll need to glue the
bezels onto the drawer. To ensure
proper alignment, it’s best to mount
the drawer in the case, before you
glue on the bezels.
Once you’ve bolted the rails to the
drawer, you’ll need to cut any pro-
trusions off with the Dremel, or your
drawer won’t open and close.