In our last 802.11n white paper (November
2005), we concluded that none of the then-
current MIMO implementations would have
any signifi cant resemblance to the fi nal
802.11n spec. Our prediction remains on
target: The IEEE fl at-out rejected the 802.11n
Draft 1.0 proposal on which the latest batch
of MIMO routers, dubbed “Draft N,” are
based. That doesn’t mean you should give up
on 802.11n; just don’t put a lot of faith in any
“real soon now” promises.
Last year, two camps were competing to
defi ne 802.11n: WWiSE (whose members
included Airgo, Broadcom, and Texas
Instruments) and TGNSync (led by Intel,
Atheros and Marvell). These groups eventu-
ally merged into one called the Joint Proposal
(JP) Team; alas, the unity was short-lived
and Intel, Broadcom, Atheros, and Marvell
splintered off to form the Enhanced Wireless
Consortium (EWC).
In March of this year, the IEEE ordained
the EWC’s proposal as 802.11n, Draft 1.0. But
when the entire 802.11n Task Group voted
by letter ballot, the proposal not only failed to
win the 75 percent super majority required for
ratifi cation, it couldn’t even muster a simple
majority vote in favor. In the meantime, 12,000
comments from IEEE members poured in—10
times more than were attached to 802.11g’s
fi rst draft proposal—and a preponderance
cited defi ciencies or outright confl icts in the
proposed standard.
The backers of Draft 1.0, many of whom
rushed “Draft-N” products to market hot
on the heels of its approval, would have
you believe that all this commotion is to be
expected in such a hotly contested stan-
dard. A look at the actual comments paints a
slightly different picture.
Theoretically, only three of the 11 20MHz
channels in the 2.4GHz frequency band, in
which the 802.11b and 802.11g gear oper-
ates, don’t overlap. These are channels
1, 6, and 11. 802.11n Draft 1.0 specifi es
a 20MHz channel in this same frequency
band, but it also allows for an optional
40MHz channel. This wider signal has the
potential to overlap every channel, disrupt-
ing other wireless-networking communica-
tions in the process. It’s a disaster in the
making for existing Wi-Fi networks.
Thus, many of the comments accom-
panying the letter ballots argued that if the
standard was to permit the use of a 40MHz
channel, it should also dictate a means
of sensing legacy networks operating in
the vicinity and then falling back to a nar-
rower channel. This notion is known as Clear
Channel Assessment (CCA), and it won’t
necessarily hobble an 802.11n network. A
40MHz channel doesn’t need to be entirely
vacant in order to be considered clear; it just
can’t be occupied during the particular mil-
lisecond at which a packet is being sent over
it. Think of speech: It might sound as though
you’re mouthing words nonstop, but there
are countless tiny moments of silence as you
breathe and form syllables.
As simple as it sounds, resolving that one
added feature would require each 802.11n-
compliant device (every router, every adapter,
and every streaming box) to carry additional
hardware to perform CCA and to modulate
the bandwidth—even if the fi nal standard
permits a 40MHz channel but doesn’t require
it (40MHz channels aren’t allowed in Japan
and in some parts of Europe). Making 40MHz
channels and CCA part of the offi cial 802.11n
standard will also render any Pre-N/Draft-N
gear instantly obsolete.
Many of the other comments criticizing
the Draft 1.0 proposal cited concerns about
its capacity—or lack thereof—to stream
audio and video, and its apparent lack of
power-handling controls for handheld devic-
es. Taken as a whole, it becomes apparent
that the IEEE membership views 802.11n as a
standard suitable for all hardware—from PCs
to handhelds and even to appliances—which
will enable wireless LANs to do much more
than anything they’ve done in the past.
At this point, the only difference between all
the existing pre-802.11n hardware is semantic:
Anything that hits the market before the IEEE
approves the fi nal 802.11n standard should
be assumed incompatible with the gear based
on the eventual standard. What we do know
is that the existing pre-802.11n gear had
September marks the third
year of the 802.11n standard’s
gestation, during which time
we’ve seen three entire genera-
tions of ‘Draft-N’ and ‘Pre-N’
hardware. Here’s a look at
where this wireless protocol is
at, and where it’s headed.
White Paper: An 802. 1 1n Status Report
Whatever the fi nal 802.11n standard ends up being, spatial multiplexing MIMO (multiple input/multiple output) is likely to be one of its
key features. With this technology, data coming into the wireless access point is split into streams and sent to digital signal processors.
The DSPs multiplex the data and pass it along to a set of radio transmitters. Radio receivers in the wireless adapter send the streams
to a digital signal processor, which de-multiplexes them. The bits are then recombined and delivered to the receiving PC.
HOW IT WORKS Spatial Multiplexing MIMO
Merger Data